Farming, Homesteading, and Sustainable Agriculture Resources

These are some of the best resources I've found for anyone interested in agriculture. This list focuses on regenerative/sustainable ag, homesteading, etc. I will be updating it often.

You may notice that there's not a lot of "organic farming" specific on this list. Organic is controversial, and more of a marketing tool. There are more important things than being certified organic so don't get hung up on it.

Ponder On That is pro human and values individualism, liberty, responsibility, free markets, and rationality. A lot of resources in the sustainable ag movement do not share these values. Nonprofits and educational institutions in particular present a problem. Many of these institutions have, as the kids would say, "gone woke". Therefore I have tried my best not to include any organizations that openly identify as Marxist, collectivist, anticapitalist, antiracist, or stray to far from their core mission. If I do include them its because the knowledge the share is worth the cost. Thankfully most of the best resources are laser focused on their missions and not political activism.

Organizations, Education, Example Farms, and Beginning Farming Resources

Small Farms Quarterly

New Entry Sustainable Farming Project  Good source of information for new farmers, especially in the Northeast

Growing for Market

On Pasture

Polyface Farm (mandatory, they were one of the original leaders in the sustainable farming/meat movement)

Ridgedale Permaculture Great resource, see below for their book by Richard Perkins

Never Sink Farm


Eat Wild

USDA New Farmer and Rancher Coordinators

Books and Publishers

Regenerative Agriculture by Richard Perkins

Native Trees and Plants Info + Where to Buy

Musser Forests

Chief River Nursery

American Chestnut Foundation

ArcheWild (wholesale)

American Forest Foundation

Heirloom and Native Crops and Flowers

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds


The Xerces Society

North American Butterfly Association


Homestead Iron (great handmade tools)


Pest Control

North American Bluebird


Land Use, Perennial Agriculture, Grassland management

The Land Institute

The Savory Institute (regenerative ag, sustainable meat, grazing)

Homesteading, Folk Wisdom, Small and Micro Farms

The Old Farmers Almanac

Grit Magazine

Mother Earth Living


The Livestock Conservancy

Murray McMurray Hatchery

Purely Poultry

Working Morgan Horses

Hidden Gems

Tree Fodder for Livestock

How to make a solar kiln